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Call OR TEXT today!

Let's see if mobile PDR is your dent's best solution!

Damage Location on Vehicle

iPhone Users: Video Instructions

Please take a video from 6 feet away from the dent(s) while walking around the dent so that we can see it from multiple angles, while also pointing it out. Then zoom in briefly for a closeup. Text the video to our iPhone at (850) 533-3515.

Android Phone Users: Video/Photo Instructions

If you have Whatsapp or Telegram, please take a video from 6 feet away from the dent(s) while walking around the dent so that we can see it from multiple angles, while also pointing it out. Then zoom in briefly for a closeup. If sending via Whatsapp, send to (850) 533-3515, if sending via Telegram, send to @CoastalExcellence 

If sending videos via either of those apps isn’t an option for you, then please take at least 3 photos from 6 feet away from 3 different angles, and then 1 closeup. Text them to (850) 931-3368.

Dent Repair Quote Form

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